Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

Currently, the trend in body tattoos are popular. Tattoos are not considered as a game, but is seen as an important part of the appearance. Tattoos may increase even considered sensualitas. Previously, Tattoos are often found on the criminal to add "eeriness" them. However, the tattoo has now become no more sinister because it has almost become part of fashion. In fact, tattoos can be found in all ages of both children and parents.

Calf, back, arms and the body is the most frequently ditato the womenfolk. In this modern era, tattoos on the woman even in a sensitive area such as the breast, under pinggul and near vital equipment. In Western countries, the tattoo can easily found on the running time in the mall.

For some people, tattoos are a form of art that can be part of the lifestyle, and even have a tattoo that can also serve as an alternative method of treatment or therapy. BBC reports on February 7, experts reported that the tattoo needle method can be an effective new technique in the delivery of vaccines into the human body.

Tattoos can be in for a 2, namely: tattoo permanent and non-permanent tattoos. Permanent tattoo / tattoo tattoo settling is usually survive that long and very difficult to tattoo removed, while non-permanent tattoo is the more easily removed and survive in a few days-weeks. Tattoos are permanent, non-circulating as many tattoos that are sold in the form of a sticker. Equipment in support of making permanent a tattoo needle, tattoo machine, dye machine.

View the impact on health, tattoos can cause a serious risk if not done properly. Making the right tattoo need to consider the following 3, including: conditions, professionalism, and sanitary.

According to the Food and Drug Administration America, risk that can be embossed with the tattoo is: Infection (including hepatitis and dermatitis), allergic response to the ink, or bump can nodul the area around the tattoo (granuloma), keloid (scar growth of abnormal ), can not be deleted if you do not like, and in rare cases, swelling can occur during MRI.

In a newly published research, menindik tattoo on the skin can cause skin disease death. Based on news reports Reuters, the center for disease prevention and the United States, on 6 incident shows merebaknya of bacterial death. MRSA is a type of bacteria that grow through developing penindikan by the illegal tattoos. MRSA is a type of Staphylococcus resistant to methicilin. MRSA spread of the virus appear in the form of small benjolan-benjolan or inflame the skin so that one may cause large and dangerous problems such as inflammation of blood cancer and tuberculosis.

Some of the following in mind before making a tattoo: the use of needles and equipment for sterile tattoo need to prevent diseases, should the use of needles, gloves, and the ink is sterilized and used once before in life, the skin should always be oiled before antiseptic tattoo start to prevent the entry of microorganisms, avoid certain circumstances (alcohol, general fatigue, and the presence of scar), caution in allergic ink, and go to a professional tattoo.

In the permanent tattoo, the user should know a few tattoo the following information: a time when feel bored of the tattoo, the removal of tattoos is a powerful tool with enough difficult, painful and expensive. The most important thing is not all tattoos can be removed total.



www.bacteria.emedtv.com / MRSA / MRSA-virus.html



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